I’ve had a stellar career as an advertising art director, I was fortunate to have traveled extensively, experiencing various cultures and working with many of the world’s most talented photographers and directors, I’ve won a number of awards including two inclusions in the Museum of Modern Art - one for a poster and the other
for a TV commercial, The One Show “Best of Show”, Cannes Gold Lion and the Press’s Choice and several D&AD Silver Pencils. The business changed, I lost interest, and turned my attention to photography full time. Having worked with many of the world’s most talented photographers you would think something was bound to rub off. Maybe it did; my photography
is gaining some interest - Winning Gold and Silver medals in Graphis Photography Annuals, an inclusion in The Creative Review Photography Annual, two photos shortlisted in the Motif Photography Collective’s “Black & White, 2021” Competitive and recently I had a photograph selected for the “Body Exhibition” at the Louvre in Paris.